ProSoft Technology PLX35-NB2 – Bridge – DIN rail mountable
Tired of traveling to take care of an issue that could have been resolved by remotely connecting to the control equipment? The PLX35-NB2 Network Bridge is the ideal solution for system integrators, machine builders, or anyone requiring remote access to machines for commissioning, troubleshooting, or maintenance.
Once a Network Bridge is deployed and a ProSoft Connect account has been created, you are ready to remotely access the automation equipment, reducing travel and saving money.
The remote connection is made through ProSoft Connect. This is ProSoft Technology’s IT secure and OT friendly cloud-native platform for the Industrial Internet of Things. This service can be accessed anytime, anywhere in the world, offering the user a secure and intuitive Web interface to monitor their automation devices in real time.
Key Selling Points
Enable / Disable remote access locally via an EtherNet/IP message
Remote Connectivity lets you access a remote network without leaving your office
EasyBridge secure remote access provides the easiest way to connect PLC software to remote PLCs
File Relay – transfer files across segmented networks
Does not require additional software, increasing network security