INFINIDAT InfiniBox F6000 Unified Storage Array

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SKU: F6000 Category: Brand: INFINIDAT Brand:


The InfiniBox™ storage array is based on an innovative software platform built on top of industry standard hardware. InfiniBox features predictable high performance, scalability to multiple petabytes in a single 42U rack, 99.99999% uptime, and unmatched TCO for mission-critical workloads. With InfiniBox, organizations can lower both the cost and complexity of their storage operations.


InfiniBox features an efficient data distribution architecture that uses all drives all the time. This architecture not only delivers extremely high throughput, but also enables quick recovery from any component failure without impacting any system characteristics including performance or reliability.


Designed from the ground up for unmatched reliability, InfiniBox’s self-healing architecture with InfiniRAID™ delivers 99.99999% uptime. InfiniBox’s industry-leading snapshot and replication engine provides space-efficient snapshots and an ultra-fast replication.

Simple and Powerful Management

An intuitive HTML5 GUI simplifies the most complex storage management operations. InfiniBox uses predictive analytics to ensure performance and availability. An elegant RESTful API and powerful CLI automate complex tasks. The result is an enterprise storage system that enables efficiency and is simple to manage.

Multi-petabyte Scale

Models range from 115TB to multiple petabytes of capacity in a single standard 42U rack. System capacity utilization is maximized with extremely efficient thin provisioning, space reclamation and other storage efficiency capabilities such as inline data compression. With compression, InfiniBox can scale to over 5PB of effective capacity.

Truly Unified Storage

Adapt to changing business needs by taking advantage of FC/iSCSI SAN, NAS, and Mainframe protocols in a single, common platform. Each of these protocols are built into InfiniBox’s DNA, and managed consistently through a single, simple and powerful management interface.

Connectivity and Integration

Integrates with the business applications in your datacenter using native interfaces. InfiniBox is bundled with a rich solution portfolio for platforms such as virtualization, databases, backup & recovery and more. Our fast and intuitive host connectivity and storage provisioning — Host PowerTools™ — shortens lengthy storage management tasks from days to seconds!

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Weight 0.00 lbs