Sophos SD-RED 20 Networking Gateway
Thousands of small businesses now have employees that work from home who have no prior experience with it. Sophos SD-RED 20 and SD-RED 60 appliances make this SO much easier. They have truly plug-and-play, zero-touch deployment. No technical skill is required to install an SD-RED device. All you do is type the device ID into your Sophos firewall. Then, just ship your SD-RED to its destination. Once it’s received and plugged in, the SD-RED will connect to the Internet. It will then call back home to your primary firewall, and automatically establish a secure VPN tunnel. All by itself.
What do I need?
The setup consists of a Sophos firewall in your main office and an RED device in your remote office. Establishing the connection is a total snap, since REDs do not need to be configured at all.
As soon as an SD- RED is connected, it behaves like any other device on your network. And all the traffic of your remote office is as secure as your local network.
When you centrally manage an SD-RED through the XG Firewall platform, you can extend Synchronized SD-WAN to multiple locations. This means not only are you replacing expensive, unstable MPLS with super intelligent SD-WAN capabilities.
You’re also protecting traffic that travels those SD-WAN connections. It gets the same Synchronized Security and Sophos Security Heartbeat features that employees would enjoy on the home network. SD-RED devices are very affordable. And there’s no added licensing cost for SD-REDs. It’s included in your Sophos Firewall Network Protection License. And SD-RED works reliably even in the most hostile and high-latency network situations.
The SD-RED 20
Sophos SD-RED comes in two models, the SD-RED 20 and SD-RED 60. SD-RED 20 has maximum throughput of250 Mbps. There are 4 LAN interfaces (1 GbE copper), and 1 WAN interface. It also has 2 USB ports.